Its A Journey, Alright!

Friday, 27 January 2012

Hi all,

Hope your week is going fantastically, and all you Aussie's celebrated AUSTRALIA DAY in double pluggers, bucket hats and by the water!

In honour of  good old Australia day- I wanted to let you in on some of the funnier things people on my facebook have come up with in response to a 'you know your Australian when...' status! Haha!

You know your Australian when-

You think stubbies can be drank or worn.
You believe the 'i' in 'Australia' is optional.
You can perfectly translate the sentence 'Shazza, Dazza and Kazza played Acca Dacca on the way to Maccas'.
You think 'Wooloomooloo' is a perfectly reasonable name for a town.
You think it makes total sense that a one dollar coin is twice the size of a two dolar coin.
You think youve been ripped off if theres no beetroot on your hamburger.
Your biggest family argument was over a game of backyard cricket.
You know how to abbreviate every word in the english dictionary- and they usually all end in 'o'. Arvo, servo, garbo, smoko, righto, speedo- just to name a few.
You understand completley when people say 'no wucking furries.'
When you think something is good you say 'tops', but if theres a 'bloody' before it, you know you really mean it.
You know that the barbeque is the biggest political arena. &
You understand that there is actually a place called 'woop woop' located in Australia, it just happens that its very far from where you are, and in the middle of nowhere.

But on a serious note- feeling completely lucky and priveliged to be living in such an amazing country, surrounded by beautiful land and people!

Hope everyone had an amazing Australia day!

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

Love, Keya. x

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